
Welcome to the website of the Palm Springs Genealogical Society, a tax-exempt 501c3 organization. Your gift to the Society is tax-exempt.

Our meetings are held in the Learning Center of the Palm Springs Library, 300 S. Sunrise Way, on the first Saturday of each month, September through May. You do not need to be a member to attend.

President’s Letter

With summer rapidly approaching, along with the hot weather, we are dark for the summer.

For those of you who missed our last meeting of the season on 11 May, you missed one of the best programs we’ve had. Thomas MacEntee, an internationally known researcher and speaker, was roundly received by those in attendance, although I was embarrassed by the small turnout. His “Do-Over” program sounds terrific and I plan to make use of it during the summer.

I have received some good program requests from members and will endeavor to find speakers to fit those topics.

Have a great summer: hope you have much success in your family history research.

See you on 7 September!

Sondra R. Lucas, President