Welcome to the website of the Palm Springs Genealogical Society, a tax-exempt 501c3 organization. Your gift to the Society is tax-exempt.
Our meetings are held in the Learning Center of the Palm Springs Library, 300 S. Sunrise Way, on the first Saturday of each month, September through May. You do not need to be a member to attend.
President’s Letter

If you missed our meeting on 1 February, you missed a treat! Jean Wilcox Hibben gave us a very interesting presentation on “Ancestors as Heroes”. It is amazing to learn of the many ways in which our ancestors behaved in heroic fashion in coming to and the settlement of the United States of America. A comprehensive handout with lots of references provided some additional information for our family research. It is always a pleasure to have Jean as a speaker: her presentations are not only educational but also, sometimes humorous.
Our speaker on 1 March 2025 will be Christen Cohen, educating us on “Immigration: Ports of Entry”. Christine has committed to present information departure ports, also.
We will have a special, second meeting in May, featuring Thomas MacEntee, who will be telling us about “AI and Genealogy: Trouble Ahead?” Thomas is a nationally known, certified genealogist, a Baby Boomer guy with a love of punk rock music but also art history who somehow “fell” into the technology industry almost 40 years ago and then left a lucrative IT career to pursue his love of family history and genealogy. Technology and historical research are opposites, but “tech people” like Thomas are needed to guide today’s genealogists through the maze of options so they can deploy the best apps and devices to break down research brick walls. Thomas MacEntee: author, educator, advocate, entrepreneur, and that “genealogy guy” who helps you accomplish your family history goals. Thomas’ can be reached at: genealogybargains.com and hidefgen@gmail.com.